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Античные сюжеты 2016-2024
Sleeping Silenus. 2024. 210x150 cm. Canvas, casein-wax tempera
The Death of Hercules. 2022. 200×265 cm. Oil on canvas.
Prometheus. 2022. 235х200 cm. Oil on canvas.
Gaia. 2021. 226,5х160 cm. Oil on canvas.
Jupiter and Callisto. 2021. 189×261 cm. Oil on canvas.
Dionysus and Ariadne. 2021. 180×261 cm. Oil on canvas.
The Drunken Hercules. 2020. 170×224,5 cm. Oil on canvas.
Odysseus and Nausicaa 2019 200×250 cm, oil on canvas.
Nude 2019 150х170 oil on canvas.
Mother and child 2019 155×190 cm, oil on canvas.
Mother and child 2019 155×190 cm, oil on canvas.
Dionysus and Ariadna marriage 215×261 cm, oil on canvas.
Apocalypse 2018-2019
The Bridegroom and His Bride180x220 cm, oil on canvas 2018
St. Sebastian
215×135 cm, oil on canvas
Untitled 2019. 214х179,5 cm, oil on canvas
Kem 2014-2015
Romanov-Borisoglebsk, Lenin square 155×190 cm, oil on canvas
Romanov-Borisoglebsk 140×200 cm, oil on canvas
Alexandrovka village, Yakutia, slaughter of a colt for meat
183×236 cm, oil on canvas
Adoration of the Shepherds 160х180 2015
Galereya department store, Ligovskiy prospect 30 318х250
Bolshoy Solovetsky Island, Administrative building 2015г 88.5х63.4
After Execution 200х180 cm 2015
Province 155х170 cm 2015
Sovetskaya street, Bolshoy Solovetsky Island 88,5х63,4 cm 2015
Sovetskaya street, Bolshoy Soloversky Island 170×200 cm 2015
Pervomayskaya street, Rabochiy island 88.5х63.4 cm 2014
Cesspool in Antropshino 2014 155×170 cm, oil on canvas
Cain and Abel 2013 230×180 cm, oil on canvas
Great Ustyug, Krasnaya St. 15 2014 oil on canvas
The Passion 2014-2016
Crucifix 200×197 cm, oil on canvas
Entombment 220×180 см 2012
Crucifixion 160х190 cm 2015
Christ’s head 43х40см 2015
Crucifixion 215 х 240 cm 2014
Job 160х180 cm 2015
Commitment 250х180 cm
Descent from the Cross 189х160 cm 2015
Crucifixion 200х240 cm 2014
Lovers in a landscape 2016
Lovers in a landscape 2016 160×225 cm oil on canvas
The Transfiguration 2015
The transfiguration 2015 220х160см
Book of the Dead 2013-2014
Book of the Dead. Punishment of sinners 170х230 cm 2014
Book of the Dead. Night Navigation 230х170 cm 2014
Book of the Dead. Psychostasia 230х170 cm 2014
Portraits 2013
A. Vorotilov. Portrait 83.5х95 cm 2013
Untitled 2017
185×236 cm, oil on canvas
180×225 cm, oil on canvas
A cow in the forest
185×225 cm, oil on canvas
Job and his wife 2011-2013
Job and his wife 129.3×197 2012
Jacob’s Dream 150х110см 2013
Elizabeth 135.3х181.3 2012
Man’s praying 79х139 2012г
Arrest of Saint Peter 136х206 2012
Supper 140х200 2012
Quarrel 134х170 2011
Woman’s injured leg 101.3х138.3 2012
Mum and I 155х165 м 2013
Kronos. 2022-2023
Bronze. 210 cm
Christ Crowned with Thorns 2022
Christ Crowned with Thorns. 2022. Height 160 cm. Wood, oil
Christ Crowned with Thorns. 2022. Height 160 cm. Wood, oil
Christ Crowned with Thorns. 2022. Height 160 cm. Wood, oil
Kouros 2020
Brideroom and His Bride 2018
Brideroom and His Bride
Brideroom and His Bride
Brideroom and His Bride
Brideroom and His Bride
Brideroom and His Bride
Brideroom and His Bride
Brideroom and His Bride
Brideroom and His Bride
Brideroom and His Bride
Brideroom and His Bride
Brideroom and His Bride
Brideroom and His Bride
Christ crucified 2016
Christ crucified 120x100x30 cm, painted bronze
Christ crucified 120x100x30 cm, painted bronze
Christ crucified 120x100x30 cm, painted bronze
Christ crucified 120x100x30 cm, painted bronze
Kouros 2017
The Bible Stories. 2024
Title page. Etching, watercolour. 50x70 cm
Abraham makes a sacrifice to God. Etching, watercolour. 50x70 cm
Prophet Hosea and his wife. Etching, watercolour. 50x70 cm
Lot and his family leave Sodom. Etching, watercolour. 50x70 cm
Prophet Ezekiel. Etching, watercolour. 50x70 cm
Abraham and three young men. Etching, watercolour. 50x70 cm
Eve. Etching, watercolour. 50x70 cm
The Groom and His Bride. Etching, watercolour. 50x70 cm
Prophets Elijah and Elisha. Etching, watercolour. 50x70 cm
Savior. Etching, watercolour. 50x70 cm
Binding of Isaac. Etching, watercolour. 50x70 cm
Abraham and Sarah. Etching, watercolour. 50x70 cm
Abraham, Sarah, Hagar. Birth of Ishmael. Etching, watercolour. 50x70 cm
Lot and his daughters. Etching, watercolour. 50x70 cm
Samson and Delilah. Etching, watercolour. 50x70 cm
Crucifixion. Etching, watercolour. 50x70 cm
Worship of the shepherds. Etching, watercolour. 50x70 cm
The Finding of Moses. Etching, watercolour. 50x70 cm
Ancient Myths 2021
The Apotheosis of Hercules. 52,5х45 cm
Perseus and Andromeda. 52,5х45 cm
The Triumph of Dionysus. 52,5х45 cm
Hercules and Antaeus. 52,5х45 cm
Jupiter and Antiope. 52,5х45 cm
Ancient Myths 2020
Титульный лист. Офорт. 50х70 см
Aeneas Flight
Venus and Adonis
Hercules and cercopes
Diana and Actaeon
Sacrifice of Laocoön
Volcano's forge
Flaying of Marsyas
Odysseus and Calypso
Penelope and the beggar
Abduction of Deinaira
Drunken Silenus
Satyr’s Family
Death of Hercules
Triton and nymph
Aeneas, Anchises and Sybil
Jupiter and Antope
Jupiter and Callisto
Apocalypse 2017-2018
Book of Revelation Title page
Book of Revelation 4:2-8 50×70 cm, C3, C5
Book of Revelation 20:1-3 50×70 cm, C3, C5
Book of Revelation 12:1-5 50×70 cm, C3, C5
Book of Revelation 12:9 50×70 cm, C3, C5
Book of Revelation 6:3-4 50×70 cm, C3, C5
Book of Revelation 6:7-8 50×70 cm, C3, C5
Book of Revelation 6:5-6
50×70 cm, C3, C5
Book of Revelation 8:8-9 50×70 cm, C3, C5
Book of Revelation 8:8-9 50×70 cm, C3, C5
Book of Revelation 6:1-2 50×70 cm, C3, C5
Book of Revelation 9:1-11 50×70 cm, C3, C5
Book of Revelation 16:2 50×70 cm, C3, C5
Book of Revelation 16:17-21
50×70 cm, C3, C5
Book of Revelation 19:8 50×70 cm, C3, C5
Book of Revelation 13:1-2 50×70 cm, C3, C5
Book of Revelation 17:3 50×70 cm, C3, C5
Book of Revelation 13:11-12 50×70 cm, C3, C5
Book of Revelation 19:7 50×70 cm, C3, C5
Book of Revelation 20:15 50×70 cm, C3, C5
Book of Revelation 19:19 50×70 cm, C3, C5
Book of Revelation 17:16 50×70 cm, C3, C5
Book of Revelation 20:15 50×70 cm, C3, C5
Book of Revelation 20:13 50×70 cm, C3, C5
Book of Revelation 21:9-27 50×70 cm, C3, C5
Book of Revelation 1:10-16 50×70 cm, C3, C5
Book of Revelation Title page
Book of Revelation 19:8 50×70 cm, C3, C5
Book of Revelation 19:19 50×70 cm, C3, C5
Raising of Jairus’ daughter 2015
Raising of Jairus’ daughter 2015 Etching 36.5х30.5 cm
Kem 2014-2015
Panina street 2016 aquarelle on paper 29,7 х 42 cm
2016 aquarelle on paper 29,7 х 42 cm
2016 aquarelle on paper 29,7 х 42 cm
Untitled. 2014 Etching 25х19 cm
Saleswoman 2016 40×30 cm, ink on paper
Saleswoman 40×30 cm, ink on paper
2016 40×30 cm, color pencil on paper
A woman 40×30 cm, coal, on paper
2015, black ink on paper 29,7 х 42cm
2015, black ink on paper 29,7 х 42cm
2015 aquarelle 29,7 х 42
2015, black ink on paper 29,7 х 42cm
2015, black ink on paper 29,7 х 42cm
2015, black ink on paper 29,7 х 42cm
2015, black ink on paper 29,7 х 42cm
2015, black ink on paper 29,7 х 42cm
2015, black ink on paper 29,7 х 42cm
2015, black ink on paper 29,7 х 42cm
2015 aquarelle on paper 29,7 х 42 cm
2015 aquarelle on paper 29,7 х 42 cm
2015, black ink on paper 29,7 х 42cm
2015, black ink on paper 29,7 х 42cm
2015, black ink on paper 29,7 х 42cm
2015, black ink on paper 29,7 х 42cm
2015, black ink on paper 29,7 х 42cm
2015, black ink on paper 29,7 х 42cm
2015, black ink on paper 29,7 х 42cm
2015 aquarelle on paper 29,7 х 42 cm
2015, black ink on paper 29,7 х 42cm
2015, black ink on paper 29,7 х 42cm
2015, black ink on paper 29,7 х 42cm
2015 aquarelle on paper 29,7 х 42 cm
2015, black ink on paper 29,7 х 42cm
2015, black ink on paper 29,7 х 42cm
2015 aquarelle on paper 29,7 х 42 cm
2015, black ink on paper 29,7 х 42cm
2015, black ink on paper 29,7 х 42cm
2015, black ink on paper 29,7 х 42cm
2015, black ink on paper 29,7 х 42cm
2015 aquarelle on paper 29,7 х 42 cm
David and Bathsheba 2016
2016 Etching 19×28 cm
2016 Etching 37х28,7 cm
2016 Etching 19×28 cm
Bathsheba 2016 Etching 19×28 cm
2016 Etching 25×27,8 cm
2016 Etching 16×21 cm
The Passion 2014-2016
Entombment. Etching. 2015 35х29.5 cm
Crucifix 2016 25×19 cm, Etching, Aquarelle.
Removal from the cross 2016 34.5х29 cm, Etching
Untitled. Etching. 2015 35х29.5 cm
After the Execution 2015 Etching 24.5х21.2 cm
Crucifixion 2015 Etching 29.7х23.7cm
Cricifixion 2015 Etching 29.7х23.7cm
Untitled. Etching. 2015 35х29.5с cm
Job 2014 Etching 23.7х21.3 cm
Kiss of Judas 2014. Etching. 20,2 х 31,6 cm
Commitment 2014 Etching 38х23 cm
Crucifixion 2014 Etching 29.5х23.7 cm
Before the Execution.2014 Etching 29.5х23 cm
Untitled. Etching. 2015 35х29.5с cm
Crucifixion 2014 Etching 31.3х27 cm
Christmas 2015
Christmas 2015 Etching 27.4х25 cm
Adoration of the Shepherds 2015 Etching 29.5х24.5 cm
Christmas 2015 Etching 29.7х22.5 cm
Adoration of the Shepherds 2015 Etching 28.5х25 cm
Adoration of the Shepherds 2015 Etching 27.3х25 cm
A. Solzhenitsyn 2012
A. Solzhenitsyn. One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich.3.2012. Etching. 19.7х14.4
A. Solzhenitsyn. One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich.2.2012. Etching. 19.7х14.4
A. Solzhenitsyn. Matryona’s home II. 2012. Etching. 19,7 х 14,4 cm
A. Solzhenitsyn. One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich.4.2012. Etching. 19.7х14.4
A. Solzhenitsyn. One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich.1.2012. Etching. 19.7х14.4
A. Solzhenitsyn. Matryona’s home. 2012. Etching. 19,7 х 14,4 cm
Kharms 2012
Daniil Kharms. The Knights – II. 2012. Etching. 19,7 х 14,3 cm
Daniil Kharms. The Knights – II. 2012. Etching. 19,7 х 14,3 cm
Daniil Kharms. The Knights.– I. 2012. Etching. 19,9 х 14,3 cm
Daniil Kharms. The Obstacle 2012. Etching 19,9 х 14,3 cm
Daniil Kharms. The Old Woman – I. 2012. Etching. 19,7 х 14,7 cm
Old men. 2012. Etching. 19,9 х 14,3 cm
Daniil Kharms. The Old Woman – II. 2012. Etching. 19,7 х 14,3 cm
Daniil Kharms. The Fate of the Professor’s Wife 2012. Etching. 19,7 х 14,4 cm
Job and his wife 2011-2012
Man’s praying 2012. Etching 19,6 х 16,3 cm
Job and his wife 2011. Etching 19,5 х 14,4 cm
Mother and son. 2012. Ethching 20 х 14,2 cm
Arrest of Saint Peter 2012. Etching. 20 х 14,2 cm20х14,2
Arrest 2012. Etching 19,8 х 14,3 cm
Book of the Dead 2012
Book of the Dead. Punishment of the Sinners. 2012. Etching. 31.3х24.5 cm
Book of the Dead. Night navigation. 2012 32.3х25 cm
Book of the Dead. Psychostasia.. 2012. Etching. 32.2х24.8 сm
Portrait 2014-2015
I. Chechot. Portrait. 2014. Etching 24.5х32 cm
Untitled. Etching.2015г 25.3х21.5 cm
Masha Yagushevskaya. Portrait. 2014 Etching 19.7х16 cm
Eumenidi 2014
Euripides. The Bacchae. 2014 Etching. 24,9 х 32,4 см
Sophocles. Oedipus the King 2014 20,5х25 cm
Aeschylus. Eumenidi. 2014 Etching 32.5х25 cm
Garden of Eden
Adam. 57 cm
Eve. 57 cm
Eve in Paradise. 57 cm
Adam in Paradise. 57 cm
Tigress with cubs. 57 cm
Adam names animals. 57 cm
A lion. 57 cm
A lion. 57 cm
The cow and the bear. 57 cm
A lion. 57 cm
St. Matthew depicted as an angel. 50 cm
St. Marc depicted as an lion. 50 cm
St. Luke depicted as an ox. 50 cm
St. John depicted as an eagle. 50 cm
Eucharist. 57 cm
Ancient scenes
Diana and Actaeon. 60 cm
The Triumph of Amphitrite. 60 cm
Gaia. 60 cm
Medusa. 60 cm
Actaeon. 60 cm
Satyr. 60 cm
Hercules and Antaeus. 60 cm
Triton and nymph (blue background)
Triton and nymph (seascape)
Jupiter and Callisto. 60 cm
Triton and nymph (dolphins). 60 cm
Jupiter and Antiope. 60 cm
Theseus and the Minotaur. 60 cm
Perseus and Andromeda. 60 cm
The Death of Hercules. 60 cm
Aeneas, Anchises and sybilla. 60 cm
Theseus. 60 cm
Ariadne. 60 cm
Polyphemus, Acis and Galatea. 60 cm
Hercules, Cerberus and Hades. 60 cm
Hercules and Atlas. 60 cm
Satyr. 60 cm
Nymph. 60 cm
The Head of Medusa. 60 cm
Mural paintings at St. John the Baptist church. 2020
Церковь Святого Иоанна Предтечи
Вид на алтарную часть
Вид на западную стену
Фрагмент купола, западной и южной стен
Фрагменты купола и западной стены
Деисус. Алтарь
Иоанн Креститель
Евхаристия. Алтарь
Апостолы Иаков Алфеев и Левей Фаддей
Апостол Андрей
Апостол Фома
Апостол Филипп
Апостол Павел
Апостол Павел
Апостол Петр
Северная стена
Южная стена
Нахождение Моисея
Иссечение Моисеем воды из скалы
Иссечение Моисеем воды из скалы
Иссечение Моисеем воды из скалы
Медный змий
Медный змий
Медный змий
Жены-мироносицы у гроба
Жены-мироносицы у гроба
Пророк Иона
Пророк Илия. Простенок перед алтарной частью
Иоанн Креститель. Простенок перед алтарной частью
Символы Евангелистов
Символы Евангелистов
Символы Евангелистов
Западная стена
Низвержение дьявола. Падение Вавилона
Низвержение дьявола. Падение Вавилона
Брак Христа и Церкви. Видение Небесного Иерусалима
Брак Христа и Церкви. Видение небесного Иерусалима
Garden of Eden
Хоры. Южная стена
Хоры. Северная стена
Garden of Eden
Garden of Eden
Garden of Eden
Притвор. Вид на алтарную часть
Притвор. Вид на алтарную часть
Притвор. Западная стена
Евхаристия. Фрагмент
Деисус. Фрагмент
Пророк Иона. Фрагмент
Медный змий. Фрагмент